All right, right now, we are going to discuss great ways to work out!
Listen, I know that working out just isn’t for everyone. If you are out of shape you are just used to inactivity. But I’m telling you, if you work out for a whole year, that’s only 365 days... NO WAIT... only 150 days. I will guarantee that you will feel really good. 150 days, of working out you will see the difference and you feel much better now! I know it’s very hard to exercise, it’s much easier just sitting down, and being lazy. But listen ... you ready... listen this is going to change your life for ever.... “Just do It”.... That simple... “ Just do it”... You may ask... “ why should I?” .... I say, “WHY NOT?”.
Just do it, it’s just some words that was put together by some clever ad agencies for Nikes, which used to promote running, basketball for those who were in shape. But how about this, Just do it! You can use it too! You may ask yourself, why should I do it... and why should I listen to you. Well if you are reading this, that means you are extremely desperate and you need some help. Well Just do it. Remember when you feel like you don’t want to, just yourself... just do it!
Now some great exercises that a person can perform that is extremely easy would have to be walking. Now listen to this, just record what you like on TV, but don’t watch it that night. Watch it the next day. When your favorite show is on, or when ever you have time, try to walk for an hour, it could be around your block, you can just walk back and forth, you don’t even need to walk that far, stay close to home! Trust me, once you keep walking every day for 150 days, your mind will change, you will feel healthier, and you will want to exercise even more, and you’ll eat healthier! You can transform your life, all you have to do is “JUST DO IT”... don’t ever say you can’t... I’m not asking you for money, I’m not asking for anything in return, I’m just telling you to DO it... just work out and eat healthily!
I Know you’ve spent a small fortune on diet pills, some diet plans, some lipo... personal trainers at fancy gyms, where there are nothing but people with hot bods there. I know you’ve spent small fortunes that could’ve paid for someone to go to college. I can tell you this, that the amount of money that every person has spent on some lies could’ve made sure that all of America could have Universal health care! So why not listen to someone who wants nothing in return. Listen to someone who is exactly like you... working on my first 150 days, and after my first two months, I’m more motivated to just work out and eat right, and guess what folks in one month I feel healthier, stronger, and I want To work out! REMEMBER “JUST DO IT”!
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