Thursday, September 6, 2007

Diet Day 3

Well, today is day three... and I was just about to fall of the wagon... Man... was that close. I don't know what I'm going to do if fell off again. It's really hard to lose weight fast... and I know alot of you want to lose it right away.
But losing weight really fast in a week isn't the way it's really un healthy... it took you a lot of time to put on the weight... so it's gonna take that same amount of time to lose it all.
So say you put 60 pounds in 6 months... that's 10 pounds a month... about... 2.5 pounds a week... So if you do the math, you can easily lose 2.5 pounds a week in a week you lose 10 pounds... and then in 6 months... you lose that 60 pounds!... that's what I'm trying to accomplish... losing that 60 pounds I gained!
So, all you have to do is burn about... 8750 calories a week... that's really easy...
Drink orange juice... eat fruits... cut out rice... drink green tea... walk for 40 mins every day... and you can accomplish anything... you see I just need 6 months to get these 60 pounds off... I know I can do it... I know everyone else can do it... it's not hard... not hard at all!

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