Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sorry for the late update

Today... is the day... where I was really tested... I was actually out of the house... all day at a debate tournament... not in it... judging it... and in the end they gave all the judges a free buffet food... it was at a chinese buffet resturaunt. I knew that certain feeling that was coming over me... the very feeling that I knew would be bad... I needed to Stick with my DIET... My DIET was all I could think of... But how could I stick with MY DIET??!?!?! My DIET... what can I eat? Well first things first... i remember no fatty foods... so I decided to have at it... load up on veggies... and eat protien... and then go home and work my bumm off...

So I went off my Diet... and yet I survived... I didn't stray to far away from my DIET...

I just wanted to prove the fact that If anyone is on a Diet, just because you get off of your diet... it's ok... it's ok... every person can't be strict all the time...In order to get a diet working right... give yourself some wiggle room... If you know you're going to go off of your diet.. then work it off... or even it out!

also here's a little motivation for your DIET!

if you have a goal to end your diet... say in 6 months... you want to lose 60 pounds! That's a really big significant weight loss... Listen here... all you need to do... is lose 2.5 pounds a week... it's very safe lose that much weight... it's not fast and it's not too slow! 2.5 pounds a week equals 10 pounds a month! 120 pounds a year!... that means u need to burn 8750 calories a week... that's 1250 calories a day... Diet will cover most of that... all you need is a good precor machine... an hour on it a day... and your set!

hope that was a good tip for your Diet plan! Stick with it guys! 6 months from now... i should be in the best shape of my life!

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