Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Second day of DIET

Today, i am doing really well... On wednesday's I like to relax... I let all of my muscles heal... and give myself some time... to just relax... with all of the pressures of school and work, it's hard to stay strict... so i like to think of it not as a diet... but as a lifestyle choice... I want to live longer... and i want to live healthier... but listen to this... Alot of people make a mistake when they go on diets... they think that they can call it a diet... but it's not... when eating healthy it's not called a diet... it's called eating healthy... Diet is defined as being anything any person or thing eats... it's their DIET... but when you want to lose weight... you don't go on a diet... You eat... eat frutis... veggies... and drinks loads of green tea... I drink at least 2 cups a day... the antioxidants in the tea... is soooo good for your body...
Now i have some weird taste buds, so what I'm about to suggest may seem weird... but i like it... Whatever i eat... for lunch or dinner... i drench in lime juice... using the citrus acid to just burn off all of the fat... and have bananas to give u that extra boost you need for your work out...

Now if you have a busy schedule and you can't afford the time to work out... then here are some easy tips... if your are working... in your office... cubicle or whatever... say you work 6-8 hours ... i bet you can find 5 mins every hour... to stand up and do a few squats... or work on your calfs... it's that easy... squatting increases your leg muscles, and in turn helps you butt... and tightens at the same time... now if you do 40 mins every day... see... there is a helpful work out just for work...

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