Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My first entry for my Diet.

It's been a while since i've actually dieted and excercise... I let myself go... honestly, i had four months during the summer to get into better shape, but instead i just ate uncontrollably... just kept saying to myself... " I'll start tomorrow" I was in great shape... I am 6'3 and was 280, and most of that weight was pure muscle... but i let myself go... i thought i was going to get skinnier... and instead I put on the weight... so i'm going to attempt this again, and along the way... i will try to motivate you all, and tell you not to make the same mistakes I made...

Today, I jogged lightly for an hour, and lot of you won't be able to, so i recomend walking at first, or if you have the money... sign up for a YMCA, it's a fun place to work out and people don't judge you... I recommend the PRECOR machine, use it for at least an hour to get maximum results. Trust me, I've done it before... I also lift weights, but only to strengthen my muscles in order to hold my weight...

Here's what I ate today...

breakfast... a bowl of smart start healthy heart. Great taste, and it's nutrional values are through the roof.... I also had a cup of orange juice, meaning 8 ounces... that helps burn the fat...

for lunch, I had a salad, with some baked marinate chicken... the lettuce helps burn calories...

and for dinner I had a half cup of rice and some cabbage stew mixed with some lime... the cabbage burns the stomach fat and the lime helps burn the calories... after every meal i try to get a fruit, mostly bananas or oranges... banana's help boost up the metabolism, and the oranges help burns the calories... apples work too, it's just that I'm allergic to them!

So i worked out, and i ate right! Hopefully, after 365 blogs, u will hear about all of my success... and if you follow me... and help me... i can help u to! later ALL

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